The Global Health Certificate requires the completion of 16 credits of approved courses. Approved courses are those which relate to global or immigrant health. Below is a list of previously offered courses at UCLA that satisfy the criteria. If there is a course you wish to take for credit towards the certificate that is not on this list, email with the syllabus and request a review of the course material.
UCLA offers a wide range of courses on global and immigrant health issues for public health, nursing, dental and medical students as well as any students with an interest in global and/or immigrant health. Many of these courses are offered through the School of Public Health, with an additional selection from departments such as Urban Planning, Sociology, Biology, Nursing and Law, among others. For a listing of the days and times that a course is offered during a specific quarter, or to verify the course units and description, please consult the UCLA Schedule of Classes.
The following courses are those that have been offered in the two most recent academic years:
Community Health Sciences Department
CHS 132. Health, Disease, and Health Services in Latin America (4 units, Fall)
CHS 200. Global Health Problems (4 units, Fall, Winter)
CHS 205. Immigrant Health (4 units, Winter)
CHS 224. Social Determinants of Nutrition and Health (4 units, Fall)
CHS 229. Policy and Public Health Approaches to Violence Prevention (4 units, Spring)
CHS 231. Maternal and Child Nutrition (4 units, Winter)
CHS 240. Child and Reproductive Health in Communities: Global Environmental Perspective (4 units, Spring)
CHS 246. Women's Roles and Family Health (4 units, Spring)
CHS 247. Population Change and Public Policy (4 units, Spring)
CHS M250 (*same as LATIN AM M262*). HIV/AIDS and Culture in Latin America (4 units, Spring)
CHS 254. Intentional Disasters: War and Refugees (2 units, Spring)
CHS 258. Cooperative Interagency Management in Disasters (4 units, Spring)
CHS M260. Health and Culture in Americas (4 units, Winter)
CHS M264. Latin America: Traditional Medicine, Shamanism, and Folk Illness (4 units, Spring)
CHS 427. Reproductive Health in Sub-Saharan Africa (4 units, Winter)
CHS 440. Public Health and National Security at U.S.-Mexico Border (4 units, Fall)
CHS 448. Nutrition Policies and Programs: Domestic and International Perspectives (4 units, Spring)
CHS 470. Improving Worker Health, Social Movements, Policy Debates, and Public Health (4 units, Fall)
This course introduces students to the field of occupational health and safety as part of the larger public health and social justice arenas. The course also examines current policy debates within the field and considers innovative interventions for promoting the safety, health, and wellbeing of workers and their communities.
CHS 484. Risk Communications (4 units, Spring)
Epidemiology Department
EPI 220. Principles of Infectious Disease Epidemiology (4 units, Winter)
EPI 221. Emerging Infectious Diseases (4 units, Spring)
EPI 227. AIDS: A Major Public Health Challenge (4 units, Spring)
EPI 231. Principles of Control of Infectious Diseases (4 units, Winter)
EPI 232. Methods of Research in Marginalized and Hidden Populations (2 units, Fall)
EPI 293. International HIV/AIDS Seminar (2 units, Fall/Spring)
EPI 420. Field Trials of Health Interventions in Low-Resource Settings (4 units, Spring)
Environmental Health Sciences Department
EHS 216. Planetary Health: Consequences of Environmental Change for Human Health (4 units, Spring)
Education Department
EDU 204E. International Efforts in Education (4 units, Winter)
Health Policy & Management Department
HPM 230A & B. Health Economics: Low- and Middle-Income Countries' Perspectives (4 units)
HPM 240. Healthcare Issues in an International Perspective (4 units)
HPM M248. Primary Health Care (4 units, Winter)
HPM 281. Policy Making amid Health, Economic, and Social Crises: Pandemics and Beyond (4 units, Fall)
Latin American Studies Department
LATIN AM M262 (*same as CHS M250*). HIV/AIDS and Culture in Latin America (4 units, Spring)
School of Nursing
NURSING 200. Health Promotion and Assessment across Lifespan (4 units, Fall)
NURSING 209. Human Diversity in Health and Illness (4 units, Fall)
NURSING C255. Globalization, Social Justice, and Human Rights (3 units, Fall)
Division of Oral Biology
Oral Biology 229B. Anthropological Perspectives on Global Health: Implications for Oral Biology and Medicine (2 units, Winter)
Department of Sociology
Sociology 236 A/B/C. International Migration (4 units, Fall)
Department of Urban Planning
Urban Planning M258. Transportation and Environmental Issues (4 units, Winter)
Urban Planning C285. Built Environment and Health (4 units, Winter)
The following courses are those that have previously been approved for the Global Health Certificate, but that have not been offered in the two most recent academic years:
CHS M222. Understanding Fertility: Theories and Methods (4 units)
CHS M251. Human Resources and Economic Development
CHS 282. Communication in Health Promotion and Education (4 units)
CHS M294. Social and Behavioral Factors of HIV/AIDS: Global Perspective (4 units)
CHS 295. Selected Topics in Disaster Relief and Humanitarian Assistance (4 units)
CHS 296. Advanced Research Topics in Community Health Science (2/4 units) Global Women's Health and Empowerment. CHS 296: Advanced Research Topics in Community Health Sciences: Primary Health Care, Winter 2019 (Only)
CHS 434A. Maternal and Child Health in Developing Areas (4 units)
CHS 441. Advanced Program Planning and Evaluation in International Health (4 units)
CHS 447. Health and Social Context in the Middle East (4 units)
EPI 222. Arthropods as Vectors of Human Diseases (4 units)
EPI 223. Biology and Ecology of Human Parasitic Diseases (4 units)
EPI 224. Zoonotic Diseases and Public's Health (4 units)
EPI 229. Foodborne Illnesses (4 units)
EPI 266. Global Health and Tropical Medicine (2 units)
EPI 273. Responsible Conduct of Research in Global Health (2 units)
EPI M418. Rapid Epidemiological Surveys in Developing Countries (4 units)
EHS 208. Built Environment and Health (4 units)
HPM 240. Healthcare Issues in an International Perspective* (4 units)
Urban Planning 235 A/B. Urbanization in the Developing World I/II (4 units)
Urban Planning 239. Special Topics in Regional and International Development: Disaster Management and Response (4 units)