Image for CGIH Home Image 1

Image of a disease map with the text "Global is Local is Global" overlaid.

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An open-air food market in Paris, France. Photo by: Photo by Didier Provost on Unsplash

Image for CGIH Home Image 2

Image of a map with connector lines with the text "In an increasingly interconnected world, global health is changing."

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A large group of people crosses a sidewalk in a city. Photo by: Mauro Mora on Unsplash

Image for CGIH Home Image 3

Decorative shapes with the text "Health problems at the local level can evolve into globally-significant events."

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A Ministry of Health vehicle in the field in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Photo by: Dr. Anne Rimoin

Image for CGIH Home Image 4

Image of several people together with the text "At UCLA, we are rethinking global health through an equity lens."

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Rows of blood test tubes on a rack in a laboratory. Photo by: Photo by on Unsplash

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MPH student Graham Toth in the field in Cambodia, where he studied the health and well-being of female entertainment workers while interning with KHANA, Cambodia. Photo by: Graham Toth

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A colorful market in Apia, Samoa. Photo by: Brittany Meyer

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A vaccine clinic in Ecuador. Photo by Photo by Pato González on Unsplash.


The UCLA Center for Global and Immigrant Health is dedicated to developing and
implementing collaborative approaches to research, education, and policy to improve the health of populations worldwide, and among immigrant communities at home and abroad. Our primary stakeholders are FSPH faculty and students who seek transformative opportunities to scale up the impact of their work globally.


Register for our Fall Info Session here


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